Lukasz Olek, Miros�law Ochodek, Jerzy Nawrocki
Institute of Computing Science Poznan University of Technology ul. Piotrowo 2 60-965 Poznan, Poland e-mail: {Lukasz.Olek, Miroslaw.Ochodek, Jerzy.Nawrocki}@cs.put.poznan.pl
Revised manuscript received 16 October 2009
Abstract. This paper presents a language called ScreenSpec that can be used to quickly specify screens during the requirements elicitation phase. Experiments and case studies presented in this paper show that it is easy to learn and effective to use. ScreenSpec was successfully applied in 9 real projects. Visual representation generatedfromScreenSpeccanbe attachedto requirements specification(e.g. as adornments to use cases).
Keywords: Use cases, GUI design, prototyping, screenspec
Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 68N01, 68N30, 68U35
Use cases are the most popular way of specifying functional requirements. A survey published in IEEE Software in 2003 [13] shows that over 50% of software projects elicit requirements as use cases or scenarios. Use case is a good way of describing interaction between user and system at the high level of abstraction, so maybe now the number can be even higher. At the same time many practitioners (in about 40% of projects [13]) draw user interfaces to visualise better how the future system will behave. This is wise, since showing user interface designs (e.g. prototypes [7, 16, 21, 22], storyboards [9]) together with use cases helps detect problems with
L. Olek, M. Ochodek, J. Nawrocki
requirements [14]1 . Unfortunately, details of the user interface can clutter use-case description and should be kept apart from the steps [5, 6]; however, they can be attached to use cases as adornments [5].
Much has been said about writing use cases [5, 6, 8, 10, 19] (e.g. how to divide them into main scenario and extensions, what type of language to use); however, it is not clear how to specify UI details as adornments. Practitioners seem to either draw screens in graphical editors and attach graphical files to use cases, or just describe them using natural language. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. The graphical approach is easier to analyse by humans; however, more difficult to prepare and maintain. On the other hand, the textual approach is much easier to prepare, but not so easy to analyse.
The goal of this paper is to propose a simple formalism called ScreenSpec to specify user interface details. It has both advantages of the approaches mentioned earlier: as a textual approach it is easy to prepare and maintain, and can be automatically converted to the graphical form (attached to use cases as adornments can stimulate readers visually). Currently the language is limited to describe user interface of web applications.
It is easy to propose a new formalism, but it is much more difficult to prove that it is useful. This paper presents a case study, where ScreenSpec has been successfully used in 9 real projects. An investigation was carried out to find out how much effort is needed to use ScreenSpec, and how much time does it take to learn how to use it. Finally, an experiment was conducted in order to compare the efficiency of using ScreenSpec versus a graphical tool – Microsoft Visio.
The plan of this paper is as follows. Section 2 describes chosen approaches to UI specification that are widely used. Section 3 describes the ScreenSpec language. Section 4 describes a way to generate graphic files representing particular screens from ScreenSpec. Section 5 presents how the visual representation of screens can be embedded in requirements documents: as adornments, or as a mockup. Section 6 describes case study and experiment that were conducted to verify whether ScreenSpec is complete enough and flexible to be used for specifying screens of real applications and how much effort does it take to specify screens at requirements elicitation phase.The whole paper is concluded in Section 7.
There are many approaches to screen specification. They can be roughly divided into two groups: user interface specification languages and screen sketching tools. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
The modern UI specification languages, such as XForms [17] or XUL[2] are development-focused. They are used as a flexible way for coding user interface. They allow to formally specify high-fidelity screens. Unfortunately, they require
See experiment conclusions in the section “Mockup helps to unveil usability problems”.
a substantial effort to describe a screen, and thus are not suitable to be used for quick screen sketching.
There are other technologies that are getting more and more popular nowadays, like for instance MDSD (Model Driven Software Development) approaches, that provide an ability to generate a whole application (with the user interface) from a set of models (e.g. WebML [3], UWE/ArgoUWE [4]). Unfortunately, this approach still seems to require too much effort, to be successfully used at the requirements elicitation phase. There are companies using such approach, that Poznan University of Technology cooperates with. According to their experience it takes at least several hours to describe a single use case with MDSD models. It is definitely too long to be used at requirements elicitation phase, so they use generic text editors to specify use cases and screens.
On the other hand, there are tools for sketching the user interface (such as Microsoft Visio). They allow to draw screens quickly in the visual form. This approach seems to be most often used in practice to sketch user interface.
ScreenSpec is used to specify the structure of the user interface. Since this approach is supposed to be used at early stages of requirements elicitation phase, it would be wise to focus on the structure of screens and information exchanged between user and system, rather then on such attributes like colours, fonts, or layout of components. This is called a low-fidelity approach ([18, 24]) and is used in ScreenSpec. There were research experiments conducted to compare low-fidelity and high-fidelity approaches
(e.g. [23, 24]). Researchers concluded that there is no significant difference in the number, type, and severity of usability issues found by reviewers of low-and high-fidelity prototypes.
It is best to explain how ScreenSpec specification looks like on a simple example. Let us imagine a screen for sending e-mail messages (see Figure 1). It contains a field for entering the title, the content of a message, radio buttons for selecting format and some buttons.
Title Message |
![]() |
SCREEN Send_message: Title(EDIT_BOX) |
Message(TEXT_AREA) | ||
Format(RADIO_BUTTONS) | ||
Format | Plain text HTML Save | Send(BUTTON) Save_as_draft(BUTTON) Cancel(BUTTON) |
Fig. 1. A simple screen and its corresponding specification in ScreenSpec
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ScreenSpec specification consists of a set of screens. The definition of each screen starts with the SCREEN keyword followed by screen identifier (each screen must have an unique ID). The following lines are indented and describe components that belong to the screen (see Figure 2). In the simplest form of ScreenSpec, which can be used at early stages of requriements elicitation, the components have only their names, without the specification of the types. The formal grammar of the ScreenSpec language is presented in Section 3.3.
Title Message |
![]() |
SCREEN Send_message: Title |
Message Format | ||
Format | Plain text HTML Save | Send Save_as_draft Cancel |
Fig. 2. A simple screen and the description of its structure in ScreenSpec
Basic components are mostly simple widgets known from the HTML language. They are specified by putting a component type in parentheses after the component name. Component type can be one of:
The screen from Figure 2 supplemented with component types is presented in Figure 1. Component types are defined in parentheses after their names.
Groups are component structures, used to specify lists, tables, or just to group the components visually on the screen in one section. A group is specified with a name followed by a colon, and a set of indented lines – with specification of components that belong to the group (see Figure 3). Groups can be declared as simple, list or table, with a type specified in parentheses between its name and a colon. The meaning of the group type is as follows:
There are two more types available for components declared inside a group: CHECK_BOX and RADIO_BUTTON. These types define a group of these components across all elements of the group, and can be used for declaring e.g. a radio button that would allow to select one row from a table (see Figure 4).
For some components we already know their initial values at specification time. For example, a group of radio buttons that allows to choose user sex will always have
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Fig.3.The screen with agroup component(table)
Fig. 4. Additional component types are available inside a group: CHECK BOX and RADIO BUTTON
two values: male and female. Static values are used to specify the values in such situations. The meaning of the static value is different for different components (see Table 1). In order to specify a static value for a component, its declaration is followed by a colon, and a list of values separated by a vertical bar “|” (see Figure 5).
Fig. 5. Static values can define initial values for components
This section presents a grammar of ScreenSpec language in the EBNF notation [25]. Since the original EBNF notation does not allow to specify indentation-based languages very comfortably, it was extended to pass arguments to non-terminal sym
No. of | |||
Control Type | applicable | Semantics of static values | |
static values | |||
BUTTON, LINK | 1 | Static value specifies the caption of the compo | |
nent | |||
STATIC_TEXT | 1 | Static value specifies the text visible for the user | |
RADIO_BUTTONS, | many | Static values specify the descriptions of particu- | |
CHECK_BOXES | lar buttons. Some values can be preceded with | ||
‘=’ – these values will be initially selected (there | |||
can be one such value for RADIO_BUTTONS and | |||
many values for CHECK_BOXES) | |||
COMBO_BOX, | many | Static values specify the options for the compo- | |
LIST_BOX | nents. | Some values can be preceded with ‘=’ – | |
these values will be initially selected (there can | |||
be one such value for COMBO_BOX and many val | |||
ues for LIST_BOX) | |||
EDIT_BOX, | 1 | The static value is an initial value for the com- | |
TEXT_AREA | ponent | ||
PASSWORD, | – | No static values can be applied to these compo- | |
DYAMIC_TEXT | nents |
Table 1. The semantics of static values depending on control type
bols. These arguments are used to count a proper number of indents, and are passed in brackets. The grammar assumes the following terminal symbols will be recognized by lexer:
specification = screen *; screen = "SCREEN", identifier, line break, (component (1)) *; component (i) = component indication (i) | simple component (i)
| group component (i); component indication (i) = indentation (i), identifier, line break; simple component (i) = indentation (i), identifier,
"(", component type, ")", [":", static values], line break; static values = value ("|", value)*; component type = "BUTTON" | "LINK" | "IMAGE" | "STATIC_TEXT"
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group component (i) = indentation (i), identifier, ["(", group type, ")"], ":", line break, (component (i+1), line break) +; group type = "SIMPLE" | "LIST" | "TABLE";
ScreenSpec is designed to be used by analyst at requirements elicitation phase. This phase is exploratory, which means that change-involving decisions are made frequently. Thus we propose to use ScreenSpec in an incremental way. At the beginning an analyst can just roughly describe the structure of information at particular screen, and add more details later (after getting a confirmation from a customer that it is correct). ScreenSpec has 3 levels of details:
L1 Component names – need to be specified at the beginning. L2 Types of controls and groups – specifies types of information connected with each screen.
L3 Static values.
These levels can be mixed throughout the specification process: some screens can be specified at one level of details, and other screens can be specified at other levels.
ScreenSpec can be authored using a dedicated tool. This is a simple editor that detects each change, and automatically regenerates graphics files (PNG) that can be attached to requirements documents. The generator uses simple rules to transform ScreenSpec to visual representation:
1. For each component:
2. For each group:
The following example (Figure 6) shows a visual representation of a simple screen specified in ScreenSpec.
Fig. 6. A screenshot showing the ScreenSpec editor with agenerated visual representation for a registration screen
Visual screens generated from ScreenSpec can be directly inserted into requirements specification in adornments section of particular use cases. Having up-to-date graphic files allows to update the specification easily, because many modern text editors allow to link with external files, and update them each time the document is opened (e.g. Microsoft Word, OpenOffice).
Mockup is an interesting artefact created by connecting screens to particular steps of use cases. It is rendered as a simple web application that can display both use
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cases and screens at the same time. Use case (displayed on the left side) shows the interaction between an actor and a system (see Figure 7). After selecting particular step, an according screen is displayed (on the right side). This artefact seems to be useful in practice, initial feedback from commercial projects using mockups is very positive.
It is difficult to connect screens to use case steps in generic text editor, so a dedicated tool called UC Workbench [12] was developed at Poznan University of Technology.
Actors Use Cases Business Objects Business Rules
UC1: Register
Main scenario: 1. Customer chooses the register option . 2. System presents registration form . 3. Customer provides personal information [CredentialData] . 4. System creates a new account . Extnsions: 4.A. Wrong data according to BR1. 4.A.1. System presents error message . 4.A.2. Back to 3. |
![]() |
Fig.7.A screenshot ofMockup –showing usecasewith corresponding screensatthesame time
Analysts usually use word processors and sheets of papers to author requirements. Keeping it in mind, it seems that introducing formalised requirements models can be risky. It may happen that some of the features might be too difficult to describe with the formalised model.
To make sure that the ScreenSpec formalism is complete and flexible enough to be used for describing real systems, nine case studies were conducted. They included a large variety of projects. Some of them were internally-complex (large number of sub-function2 requirements), with a small amount of interaction with a user (e.g. Project A, Project C). Others were interaction-oriented, with a great number of use cases and screens (e.g. Project D, Project G). First 6 projects were selected from the Software Development Studio course at Poznan University of Technology. These projects were developed for external customers by students of the Master of Science
AfterCockburn[6]: asub-functionrequirementisarequirementthatisbelowthe main level of interest to the user, i.e. “logging in”, “locate a device in a DB”.
in Software Engineering. Students were successfully using ScreenSpec approach to specify screens. They also raised some minor suggestions for ScreenSpec language, and small simplifications were introduced afterwards. Then screens for 3 commercial projects were also written using ScreenSpec language. In both cases all screens were successfully specified.
It seems that the number of lines of code (LOC) per screen may differ depending on the screen complexity. In analysed projects average LOC per Screen varies from 3.0 to 14.5 (see Table 2).
Business | User | Sub- | Average | Total | ||
Project | Level | Level | function | Screens | LOC | LOC |
UCs | UCs | UCs | /Screen | /Screen |
Project A | 4 | 2 | 4 | 14.5 | 58 | |
Project B | 3 | 13 | 2 | 5 | 9.4 | 47 |
Project C | 5 | 4 | 3.0 | 12 | ||
Project D | 16 | 27 | 4.7 | 128 | ||
Project E | 4 | 7 | 3.9 | 27 | ||
Project F | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 13.0 | 39 |
Project G 44 39 92 9.5 917
ProjectH 2 12 7 5.1 36
Project I 8 57 72 14.3 1026
Table 2. Nine projects selected for the case study
Although an average amount of code required to specify a screen with ScreenSpec seems to be rather small, two important questions arise:
The second question is also important because practitioners tend to choose solutions, which provide business value and are inexpensive to introduce. If an extensive training is required in order to use ScreenSpec efficiently, there might be a serious threat that the language will not be attractive to the potential users.
In order to answer these questions, a controlled case study was conducted4 . Eight participants were asked to specify sequence of 12 screens coming from the real
The term “specifying” is understood here as the process of transcribing the vision of the screen into the ScreenSpec code.
The case study is labeled here as controlled, because the methodology was similar to that used in case of controlled experiments; however, the nature of questions being investigated refers rather to the “common sense” than to some obtainable values (e.g. compare average learning time, to the one which is acceptable for the industry).
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application (provided as the series of application screenshots). The time required for coding each of the screens was precisely measured (up to the seconds). The code was written manually on sheets of paper. The participants were also asked to copy a sample screen specification, in order to examine their writing speed. Before they started to specify screens, they had been also introduced to the ScreenSpec during the 15-minutes lecture, and each of them was also provided with a page containing the ScreenSpec specification in a nutshell. All materials provided to participants are published at [1].
During the completion of each task (single screen specification) two values were measured:
Screens specifications developed by participants differed in respect to their size, because they were specified only on the basis of the screen-shots, which were perceived slightly differently by different people. Moreover, some of the ScreenSpec structures might be used optionally. The detailed results of the case study are presented in Table 3.
Before proceeding to the further analysis, results for all tasks were carefully analysed in order to find potential outliers. The task was marked as suspicious if the variability in lines of code provided by participants was high (or there were outlying observations). According to the box plots presented in Figure 8 tasks 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 were chosen for further investigation in order to find out the reasons for the LOC variability. It turned out that tasks 4 and 8 were ambiguous, because in both cases there were two possible interpretations of the screens semantic. Moreover, the amount of code required to specify each of two versions differed visibly. Therefore those tasks were excluded from the further analysis.
12345678910 12 12345678910 12 Task (Screen) Task (Screen)
Fig. 8. Variability of effort and size of code (LOC) for each task, box-plots presenting variability of a) effort for each task, b) lines of code for each task
Sample Participant Screen 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
Mean SD
Lines of code -LOC
Sample | |||||||||||
Participant | Screen | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 12 |
P1 | 8 | 14 | 6 | 8 | 17 | 7 | 20 | 35 | 20 | 25 | 32 |
P2 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 9 | 12 | 6 | 8 | 21 | 16 | 18 | 19 |
P3 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 6 | 7 | 22 | 16 | 18 | 25 |
P4 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 6 | 7 | 15 | 17 | 20 | 19 |
P5 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 8 | 11 | 6 | 8 | 16 | 16 | 15 | 23 |
P6 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 17 | 14 | 17 | 23 |
P7 | 8 | 10 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 6 | 7 | 17 | 15 | 21 | 21 |
P8 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 10 | 6 | 7 | 14 | 16 | 13 | 18 |
Mean 19.6 16.3 18.4 22.5 SD
Table3.Effort andlines of codeforeachparticipant and task(sample screen refers to the task measuring participants writing speed)
Based on the effort and code size measured for each task and each participant, the productivity factor can be calculated. It will be defined here as the time required to write a single line of code. It can be calculated according to Equation (1).
PROD = , (1)
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The effort measured during the case study consists of two components: 1) the time required for thinking and 2) writing down the screen. It would be difficult to precisely measure both of them, however knowing the writing speed of each participant (see Equation (2)) it is possible to calculate the approximate effort spent only on thinking. It can be further used to estimate cognitive productivity factor (see Equation (3)). It can be understood as a productivity of thinking while coding the screen. It is independent from the tool (the effort needed mentally to produce the screen-specification code).
Vwriting = , (2)
PRODcognitive = , (3)
Cognitive and standard productivity factors were calculated for each task and participant. The chart presenting mean values for each task is presented in Figure 9.
Task (Screen)
Fig.9.Mean(cognitive and standard)productivityfactorsfor each task(screen)
If the mean productivities from the first and the last task are compared, it would mean that the average beginner produces around 2.81 LOC/minute while person with some experience 4.7 LOC/minute (this of course may vary depending on the screen complexity). This means that the total effort for specifying all of the screens for the largest project included in the case studies – Project I (72 screens with total of 1026 LOC of screen specifications) would vary from 3.6 to 6.1 hours depending on analyst skill. Furthermore, an average screen size is between 8 and 9 LOC (average from Table 2), which could be specified in less than 2 minutes (for experienced analyst, and around 3 minutes for the beginner). Therefore, it seems that the ScreenSpec notation might be used directly during the meetings with customer. It is also worth mentioning that if there was an efficient editor available (with high usability), the productivity factor for potential user would be closer to the cognitive one. This means that a 8 LOC screen would be specified in about 30 seconds.
By looking at the productivity chart presented in Figure 9, the learning process can be investigated. The ratio between productivity factors calculated for the ending and beginning task is 1.69. In addition it seems that after completing 8–10 tasks the learning process saturates. Therefore, it seems that participating in a single training session which includes a short lecture and ten practical tasks (about an hour) should be enough to start using ScreenSpec effectively.
An interesting observation is regarding the task number 5, because the productivity factor suddenly increased at this point (more time required to produce one line of code). This issue was further investigated, and the finding was that the screen for that task contained interactive controls, which appeared for the first time in the training cycle (edit boxes, check boxes etc.). Thus an important suggestion for a preparation of the training course would be to cover all of the components available in the ScreenSpec language.
As mentioned already, approaches to specify screens can be divided into two main groups. The first of them is to present structure of the screen by enumerating elements being displayed. Alternative approach is to use graphical editor to prepare visual representation of the application screen.
ScreenSpec belongs mainly to the first group (however, it can be also transformed to the simplified visual representation). A benefit of using structured text to specify screens rather than drawing them in graphical editor is that the text can be easily modified. This is important especially if we consider how unstable are the requirements at the initial software project stages.
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Therefore we would like to investigate which approach to specify screens (Screen-Spec or graphical editor) is more suitable to be used at the early stages of projects. In order to complete this task we would like to find answers to two research questions:
In order to be able to answer those questions we decided to conduct the experiment, in which participants were asked to specify screens using ScreenSpec and high-quality graphical editor.
The independent variable of the experiment was a choice of tools for screens specification. One of the tools was a prototype ScreenSpec editor. Then we had to choose a representative graphical editor. We decided to use Microsoft Visio with a set of stencils especially designed to draw low-fidelity sketches of screens.
The dependent variable analysed in the experiment was the effort required to prepare a sketch of a screen based on the screen-shot from the real application. We prepared a set of 22 tasks. This included 2 warm-up tasks, 7 tasks which goal was to prepare a new screen and 13 tasks which aim was to modify existing screens (add, remove, update screen components or divide a screen into a set of sub-screens).
Participants of the experiment were -year CS students (127 people), who were completing the 2nd semester of the Software Engineering course. They were randomly assigned to one of two groups:
The experiment was executed on March 2009 at Poznan University of Technology. Each participant had access to a web-application developed for the purpose of the experiment. It served for description of the tasks and stored screen sketches developed by participants. The system was also measuring tasks completion times. Each participant had also access to a presentation with a short tutorial.
The experiment time was fixed to 1.5 hours. Participants started by familiarising themselves with the tutorials. After they finished, they were asked to complete 2 simple warm-up tasks which were not considered during the analysis. Their goal was to make participants familiar with the editors and web-application used to control the experiment. As soon as they completed this stage they started solving the rest of 22 tasks until they finished all of them or the time has finished. During the experiment participants were supervised by a teacher, who was present in the classroom all the time (teachers were not allowed to provide any hints).
Analysis started from assessing correctness of screens specified by participants. After reviewing all solutions, 27 Visio and 186 SS screens were rejected. The reason for relatively large number of rejections for the SS group was that participants were specifying screens based on the application screen-shots. Thus the semantics of the screens was missing. Such lack of knowledge was especially important in case of structured components (e.g. list of product properties). Participants could treat them as dynamic lists or explicitly present each property. In most cases those two approaches yield different number of ScreenSpec LOC. As a result solutions different from the reference one were rejected.
As the next part of analysis we applied descriptive statistics (short summary is presented in Table 4) and visualized collected data using box-plots (see Figure 10). Each outlying observation was investigated once again.
3 5 7 9 111315171921 3 5 7 9 111315171921 Task Task
Fig. 10. Box-plot presenting completion times for both groups after data clearing
After visualizing the results of the experiment we suspected that most of the samples are not derived from the normally distributed population. This was confirmed by the Shapiro-Wilk test [20] (significance level α was set to 0.01). Only in case of two tasks (21 and 22) both samples seemed to be derived from the normal distribution. Therefore, we decided to use non-parametric testing procedures.
In order to be able to answer questions Q3 and Q4 the central tendencies of effort required to complete each task have to be compared. Because the assumption of normally distributed populations was violated we decided to use medians to formulate the following hypotheses (for each task):
Null hypothesis – the median effort required to complete ith task is equal for both groups (H0 i :ΘSS =ΘVisio )
Alternative hypothesis – the median effort required to complete ith task is lesser for the group using ScreenSpec (H1 i :ΘSS < ΘVisio ).
L. Olek, M. Ochodek, J. Nawrocki
Task | Type |
3 | new |
4 | modify |
5 | modify |
6 | new |
7 | modify |
8 | new |
9 | modify |
10 | new |
11 | modify |
12 | modify |
13 | modify |
14 | new |
15 | modify |
16 | modify |
17 | modify |
18 | new |
19 | modify |
20 | modify |
21 | new |
22 | modify |
ScreenSpec(SS) Microsoft Visio(Visio)
Screens | Median Effort [s] |
56 | 409 |
66 | 106.5 |
66 | 45.5 |
31 | 311 |
30 | 56 |
42 | 310.5 |
42 | 113.5 |
49 | 305 |
64 | 49 |
64 | 69.5 |
63 | 40 |
55 | 190 |
53 | 46 |
53 | 36 |
54 | 34.5 |
39 | 218 |
40 | 35.5 |
49 | 47 |
38 | 515.5 |
39 | 106 |
Screens | Median Effort [s] |
60 | 478.5 |
61 | 117 |
61 | 76 |
60 | 381.5 |
61 | 121 |
60 | 364 |
58 | 180.5 |
59 | 382 |
58 | 84 |
55 | 96 |
57 | 71 |
54 | 298.5 |
51 | 112 |
51 | 85 |
50 | 73 |
45 | 278 |
41 | 90 |
43 | 79 |
20 | 673.5 |
12 | 156.5 |
Table4.Summary of the experiment results(Type: new – participants were supposed to specify a new screen, modify – participants had to introduce modifications to the last “new” screen; Screens: is a number of solutions accepted for the task and group)
We applied the Mann-Whitney test [11] to investigate hypotheses. The significance level α was set to 0.01. As a result the null hypothesis was not rejected only for the task number 4 (which was the first modification task). In case of other tasks median effort required to complete tasks was significantly lesser for the group using ScreenSpec.
The most important threats to internal validity of this study are:
Level of commitment. Because participants were students there is a threat regarding their motivation and commitment. We were trying to mitigate this problem by introducing marks for performing the tasks (based on completion time and correctness). We also decided to use fixed time (1.5 h) to avoid the risk of decreasing productivity due tiredness.
Familiarity with tools. Another issue is difference in experience with using the tools. Although the participants had never used ScreenSpec before, they were familiar with various graphical editors.
Objectivness of tasks descriptions. There is a problem with providing description of the screen in such form that it will not favour any of the tools. We decided to use screen-shots from the real application. It seems that this form of presentation is more favourable for graphical editor, because one can make a copy of the screen without understanding its meaning. However, in the real environment the analyst has to understand the semantic of the screen before he/she is able to specify it.
The most important threats to external validity of this study are:
Students instead of practitioners. In this experiment participants were students, although the method is supposed to be used by the members of software development teams. However, activities in the experiment did not involve analytical skills and were limited only to the preparation of the screen designs.
Quality of sketches. In case of graphical representation participants were supposed to use low-fidelity approach. Although low-fidelity sketch presents a simplified version of the screen, it still should be done tidily if one would like to share such screen design with the customer. This refers mainly to components such as alignment, size etc. In case of the experiment screens sketches were not rejected due to such issues as long as they were correct.
Usability of the tool. Usability of the tools chosen for the exepriment could influence the productivity of the group. In case of graphical editors, we chose Microsoft Visio, which is a top class editor, however in case of ScreenSpec we had only a simple prototype editor. Therefore results could differ if MS Visio was compared to equivalently good editor for ScreenSpec.
The role of screen sketches in the early stages of requirements elicitation phase is to present the structure and semantics of screens. This can be done using both structured text (e.g. ScreenSpec) or screen images (e.g. MS Visio). However, it would be beneficial if analyst could specify a screen “online” during the meeting with the customer in order to receive immediate feedback.
Therefore, the time required to prepare a screen should be as short as possible. In case of the experiment for all tasks involving specifying a new screen, the group using ScreenSpec was faster. The ratio between median time required to specify a new screen using ScreenSpec and MS Visio was 0.79 (for all tasks difference was statistically significant).
6.3.6 Q4: Is ScreenSpec Better for Altering Screens Than Graphical Editor?
From the practical point of view it is more important to investigate how much effort is required to alter the previously specified screen.
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Although the initial sketch of the screen is prepared once only, it can be further modified frequently as a result of changes in requirements. From our experience this is the main drawback of using graphical editors for specifying screens. In most cases simple modifications like reordering, adding, or removing controls can be time consuming. In case of “modification” tasks the ratio between median time required to alter a screen using ScreenSpec and MS Visio was 0.57 (for 12/13 tasks difference was statistically significant).
User interface designs are often attached to use cases as adornments, because it helps understand the requirements by non-IT people. However, it is not clear how to specify UI details. In this paper we proposed a language called ScreenSpec that can be used for this purpose. ScreenSpec is a formalism that was thoroughly validated. It was used to describe UI in nine real software projects. ScreenSpec allows to work incrementally on screen designs, starting with the general structure of information at particular screen, and then adding more details about widgets. It is very efficient, it takes on average about 2 minutes to specify a single screen. ScreenSpec is also easy to learn, it takes about an hour for a person that has never seen ScreenSpec to become proficient in using it.
ScreenSpec seems to be especially well suited to be used during the requriements elicitation phase. This stage involves constant changes of requirements and screen designs. According to performed experiment, on the average analysts can reduce the effort required to prepare new screens by 21 % when using ScreenSpec instead of graphical editors like e.g. Microsoft Visio. What is more important when screen modifications are considered, this on-average reduction is about 43 %.
Although it is interesting to use ScreenSpec at requirements elicitation stage, it could be even more interesting to use it at later stages. One can think about generating skeleton user interface code (in XUL, SWT, Swing or other technologies), that could be refined during implementation. Appropriate research will be conducted as a future work.
Authors would like to thank the companies which cooperate with Poznan University of Technology: Polsoft and Komputronik. They find time and courage to try our ideas in practice and provide us with a substantial feedback.
The research presented at the CEE-SET ’08 [15] and being part of this paper has been financially supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under grant N516 001 31/0269.
Additional case studies and comparison experiment have been financially supported by Foundation for Polish Science Ventures Programme co-financed by the EU European Regional Development Fund.
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�is aPh.D. student workingintheInstitute of
���� Computing Science at the Poznan University of Technology. He is doing research in the area of requirements engineering and software testing.
Miros�law ������ is aPh.D. studentworkingintheInstitute
of Computing Science at the Poznan University of Technology. He is mainly working in the domain of requirements engineering, software metrics, functional size measurement, and software effort estimation.
Jerzy ������� received the M.Sc. degree(1980), the Ph.D.
degree(1984), andtheDr.hab. degree(1994) allininformatics and all from the Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poznan, Poland. Currently he is the Dean of the Faculty of Computing andManagement atPUT, and theSecretary ofIFIP Technical Committee 2: Software Theory and Practice.