Realization and Extension of the Xfrog Approach for Plant Modelling in the Graph-Grammar Based Language XL


  • Michael Henke University of Göttingen
  • Ole Kniemeyer MAXON Computer GmbH
  • Winfried Kurth University of Göttingen


Plant modelling, object instancing, graph grammar, Xfrog, XL, break GroIMP


Two well-known approaches for modelling virtual vegetation are grammar-based methods (L-systems) and the Xfrog method, which is based on graph transformations expanding "multiplier" nodes. We show that both approaches can be unified in the framework of "relational growth grammars", a variant of parallel graph grammars. We demonstrate this possibility and the synergistic benefits of the combination of both methods at simple plant models which were processed using our open-source software GroIMP.


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Author Biographies

Michael Henke, University of Göttingen

Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth

Winfried Kurth, University of Göttingen

Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth




How to Cite

Henke, M., Kniemeyer, O., & Kurth, W. (2017). Realization and Extension of the Xfrog Approach for Plant Modelling in the Graph-Grammar Based Language XL. Computing and Informatics, 36(1), 33–54. Retrieved from