Ethically-Social Approach to Computer Security Problem


  • Krzysztof Cetnarowicz
  • Gabriel Rojek


Computer security, behavioral detection, ethically-social mechanisms, multi-agent systems, open systems


This article came to existence on the ground of interest in what makes possible inter-human contacts and co-operation without excessive risk for any person. An individual is protected in society from dishonesty by ethical system as well as social mechanisms, which are not infallible, although so effective in working that transferring them onto the ground of computer systems is worth testing. Equipping computer resources with mechanisms observed in individuals within human societies will enable these resources to control the safety. Our goal is to obtain mechanisms which will enable security without definition what is desirable or undesirable in a computer system. This should enable to detect viruses or attack techniques that are not already known. Mechanisms are presented which may enable to recognize and dismiss resources undesirable or harmful in the computer system on the basis of behavior observation. The proposed mechanisms were tested and tests results are presented and discussed.


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How to Cite

Cetnarowicz, K., & Rojek, G. (2012). Ethically-Social Approach to Computer Security Problem. Computing and Informatics, 24(4), 351–370. Retrieved from