Modelling Multi-Agent Systems as Synchronous Concurrent Constraint Processes
We present a language \scc\ for the specification of direct exchange and/or global sharing of information in multi-agent systems. \scc\ is based on concurrent constraint programming paradigm which we modify in such a way that agents can
(i)~maintain its local private store,
(ii)~share (read/write) the information in the global store and
(iii)~communicate with other agents (via multi-party or hand-shake).
To justify our proposal we compare \scc\ to a recently proposed language for the exchange of information in multi-agent systems. We also provide an operational semantics of \scc\ and prove its compositionality.
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How to Cite
Brim, L., Křetínský, M., Jacquet, J. M., & Gilbert, D. (2012). Modelling Multi-Agent Systems as Synchronous Concurrent Constraint Processes. Computing and Informatics, 21(6), 565–590. Retrieved from