Transparent Access to Scientific and Commercial Clouds from the Kepler Workflow Engine


  • Marcus Hardt
  • Thomas Jejkal
  • Isabel Campos
  • Enol Fernandez
  • Adrian Jackson
  • Daniel Nielsson
  • Bartek Palak
  • Marcin Płociennik


Cloud, Amazon, EC2, AWS, Kepler, workflow, OpenNEbula, ONE


his paper describes the architecture for transparently using several different Cloud Resources from with the graphical Kepler Worklfow environment. This architecture was proven to work by implementing and using it in practice within the FP7 EUFORIA project. The clouds supported are the Open Source cloud OpenNEbula (ONE) environment and the commercial Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Subsequently, these clouds are compared regarding their cost-effectiveness, which covers a performance examination but also the comparison of the commercial against a scientific cloud provider.


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Author Biographies

Marcus Hardt

KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Kaiserstrasse 12
76131 karlsruhe, Germany

Thomas Jejkal

KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Kaiserstrasse 12
76131 karlsruhe, Germany

Isabel Campos

CSIC, Spain

Enol Fernandez

CSIC, Spain

Adrian Jackson

EPCC, United Kingdom

Daniel Nielsson

Chalmers, Sweden

Bartek Palak

PSNC, Poland

Marcin Płociennik

PSNC, Poland




How to Cite

Hardt, M., Jejkal, T., Campos, I., Fernandez, E., Jackson, A., Nielsson, D., … Płociennik, M. (2012). Transparent Access to Scientific and Commercial Clouds from the Kepler Workflow Engine. Computing and Informatics, 31(1), 119–134. Retrieved from



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